Monday, September 17, 2012

Summer for Me

Summer was a busy time for me. I know I'm a teacher and I have the summers off, but this summer was gorgeous! I took this summer to relax and do things that I wanted to do. I did some traveling and lots and lots of reading on books that I wanted to read :) I was still completing my masters but I am happy to say I am DONE!
My family has a place in Michigan that we love to spend the weekends when the weather is nice. As we all know Illinois/Michigan had some great weather this summer so I spent a lot of time up there on the beach. I was able to take a whole week with no internet and just relax.
I gave up some Michigan time and my boyfriend and I traveled to his family's place in Minnesota this August before school started. We went fishing, saw some black bears, fishing, sight seeing, and did I mention fishing!!! :) We did a lot of fishing. It was my first time fishing since I was maybe 13 years old. I think I did pretty well! Below is a picture of one of my biggest fish. My boyfriend was so excited that he actually stopped at a Bass Pro Shop on our way home and bought me my own fishing rod. A pink one of course!
 Since school was starting in 5 days :( We decided to stop at Wisconsin Dells for a few days on our way through. We stayed 2 nights at the Kalahari Indoor Water-park/Resort. We planned on going to Noah's Ark one day, but of course we were in a cold spell those 2 days and it would have been miserable. We enjoyed our time at the indoor water-park. Had a caricature done (looks nothing like us!) Went to the outlet mall of course and the best part, we went zip lining at the Big Foot Zipline Tours. I was so nervous at first. But I would recommend it to everyone! I even hung upside down and I never thought that was something I would do. If you ever travel to Wisconsin Dells this is something I would definitely check out.
Now that school is back in session, I look forward to trying some new things like The Daily 5 and posting them on this blog. I also hope to start back up with my household challenge. Look back for some of my new things!